Too soon to talk about it?
Like you, we have been thinking about what we want a post-COVID world to look like. Will we return as quickly as possible to ‘business as usual’ or will we hang on to some of the positive changes we made during this time? Will we forget or will we remember, and which is preferable?

By Chloe Van Dyke
Are we still concerned about global warming or has this taken a back seat? Are we still in too fortunate a position to talk about this while many have just lost their jobs? What does treading carefully mean when it comes to this discussion?
What we do know is that now is a time for cohesion. We are in this together, and it is together that we must tackle the challenges to create our new future.
Here are some of our thoughts on what individuals, businesses and organisations can do:
- Choose local for every purchase you make. Do your research. The local choice might not always be the best-advertised.
- Where possible order directly from the producer, either online or at your local market.
- Check your investments are socially responsible. This means finding out what your KiwiSaver provider and bank are investing in.
- Keep up the activities you enjoyed most during Lockdown. Did you bake bread for the first time, or discover a love for plants or long walks?
- Continue checking in on the elderly around you. Now, more than ever they need to be included rather than separated from society.
- Treasure time with family and friends.
- Work for an organisation or company that is trying to make the world a better place, and if they don't know where to start help them out.
Businesses & Organisations
- Support New Zealand owned-and-made in all of your purchasing decisions. If you are looking for a corporate gift, new office equipment, or a new ingredient - choose local!
- Collaborate. We are not competitors right now, all businesses are in survival mode. Share knowledge and resources. Help each other. It is together that New Zealand’s economy will recover.
- Break free from exclusivity contracts that inhibit a New Zealand owned majority. If large entities would stand up for New Zealand owned companies and not sign contracts with multinationals it would help many New Zealand owned businesses survive and prosper.
- Consider continuing flexible work hours or working from home.
- Strengthen your relationship with your employees. Find out what is driving them and what they can bring to the table. Let them know you care about them and that their health and wellbeing is your priority.
- Reduce flights by holding work meetings online.
- Encourage cycling to work. Rather than buying company cars consider a 'transportation budget' for employees to use on a bike or public transport.
- Measure your C02 footprint and take steps to reduce it. Chia Sisters is always happy to guide any business through this free of charge. Just reach out.